Wednesday 16 January 2013


These succulent ground cover plants are quite showy when in flower.They prefer a dry,saline location near the coast,two species are common here.

ANGULAR  PIGFACE  Carpobrotus  rossii  
A spreading succulent 2 -3M wide,name derived from the triangular cross section 
of leaves.Stems to 1 m or more long, 3-11 mm thick; leaves glaucous, often slightly 
thicker than wide, mostly 3.5-10 cm long, 6-11 mm wide. Flowers 3.5-5.5 cm diam.
 light-purple, white at base, Aug. — Oct. Fruit purplish to red. Predominantly coastal. 
S.Aust; W.Aust.; Vic.; Tas. 
( Photo - Lincoln Cove )

ROUND - LEAVED  PIGFACE    Disphyema  crassifolium
Stems prostrate,to 1M or more long,leaves clustered along stems,green-tinged reddish.
Flowers 2 - 5cm diameter,bright pink,October - Feb.Fruit 5 - 12mm diam,valves at first
red and succulent,becoming dry and hardened.Occurs along the coast or in other saline
locations.S.A,W.A,Vic,Tas,N.S.W,Qld.  ( Photo - Billy Light's Point )

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