Tuesday 2 April 2013

Nature of the shoreline


The shoreline of Porter Bay provides an abundance of food for wading birds at low tide.Photo taken from Parnkalla Trail shows a SOOTY OYSTERCATCHER Haematopus fulginosis searching for shellfish amongst the GARWEED Zosteera muelleri ssp mucronata and in the background clumps of the bi-valve RAZORFISH Pinna bicolor are exposed.
sooty oystercatcher 1                                 SOOTY OYSTERCATCHER Haematopus fulginosis  patrolling the shoreline
pied oystercatcher 4    Here, a PIED OYSTERCATCHER Haemotopus longirostrois has found a BLUE MUSSEL Mytilus edulis at the entrance to the tidal wetlands.
common greenshank 6
A COMMON GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia searches amongst BEADED GLASSWORT Sarcocornia quinqueflora. Photo Parnkalla Trail
red capped plover 4           A RED-CAPPED PLOVER Charadrius ruficapillus ,a small plover 140-150mm,searching for small crustaceans in the dead TAPE WEED Posodonia australis.Photo Billy Light’s beach
red capped plover blog A female RED-CAPPED PLOVER  sitting on her eggs (above right) in the car park at Billy Light’s boat ramp.(bottom right) a new hatchling investigates the shoreline.
black fronted plover x A BLACK-FRONTED PLOVER  Elseyornis melanops,another small plover,not often seen on the coast, searching for morsels left by the receding tide on the beach at Billy Light’s Point.